We're so lucky to have such a strong and inspiring community of women that are trailblazers, leaders and role models in their respective fields.
This International Women's Day we asked our notable friends how IWD holds personal significance and how they integrate its principles of empowerment and gender equality into their daily life and work.
"International women’s day can serve as a great way to highlight the strides women have made in their respective industries, while also acknowledging and recommitting to advancing and correcting inequalities that still very much exist. As the executive producer of The Shift, amplifying women in sports, as well as issues that effect not just women but society as whole, is a part of our ethos, but also just our day to day practice in storytelling. I have an understanding of the roles in which media can play in representation and I don’t take that lightly with the national platform that I have. It is important that women see themselves represented so that they can continue to feel empowered while also pushing the envelope for all the things that we can achieve."
- Kayla Grey
"IWD holds personal significance for me because I am a woman in an industry that many women before me, had to fight hard to take up space in. This day is a reminder of the shoulders I stand on, the herstory that brought us to today. I am lucky to have had many strong female role models & mentors in my life and I strive to put the principles of empowerment and gender equality into action by seeking to pay that forward. Happy International Women's Day - may we continue to use our voices to fight for what we believe in, exercise the power of choice and stay loud."
- Meredith Shaw
"Every IWD, I find myself shocked at the stats. It's hard to comprehend that we're in 2024 and while women make up almost 50% of the workforce in North America, we still only account for 7% of CEO titles. We have a long way to go to claim those top positions and close the gender gap. I'm lucky that in my role as a PR agency president, we're fortunate to attract a disproportionate number of talented women into the communications field. But in my role in politics, there remains a pretty significant gap. This year, I launched the Beyond a Ballot podcast with my co-host Racheal Segal. The purpose of the podcast is to encourage women to get involved in politics. Getting involved is critical. Decisions are made every day that affect every aspect of our lives. The more women who are informed and advocate for the issues that matter to them, elect more women into public office and hold politicians accountable ensures that the things that matter most to us are top of mind to the chief decision makers in the country.
I also have two very big reasons to work hard to get more women into leadership - my twin daughters who are six years old. I want them to see from an early age, the possibilities of women serving in every type of position at the highest levels. We know that if they see it, they'll believe it is possible for them too. I can't think of a better reason to mark and to celebrate IWD."
- Amanda Alvaro

"For me, International Women's Day is a chance to reflect on how far we've come and acknowledge how much further we can go. It’s a reminder to have those big conversations with my children (especially my daughter) about the importance of gender parity and amplifying women's voices. It's an opportunity for all of us to reground in our commitment to a world where every woman can flourish.
While we break down the barriers holding women back, we also need to avoid creating internal barriers. In a world that likes saying "no" to women, we need to continue telling ourselves and one another "yes."
In my life and work, I strive to empower women to cultivate resilience, prioritize self-care, and claim agency over their lives. Being a woman in this world is hard enough; there’s no need to put additional pressure or restrictions on ourselves. Every woman deserves to thrive — not just survive — and to find that sweet(er) spot of inner alignment, fulfillment, and empowerment."
- Sonia Jhas